Mr. Jochen Fischer - Consultant Orthopaedic & Upper Limb Surgeon Your Practice Online
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Unusual fracture dislocation involving the 4th and 5th metacarpals and splitting both the hamate and capitate.Treated by open reduction and internal fixation with mini-screws.

Unusual fracture dislocation Unusual fracture dislocation
Unusual fracture dislocation Unusual fracture dislocation
Unusual fracture dislocation  

This 67 year old lady had a bad fall resulting in a hip and a wrist fracture. The joint surface of the radius was shattered in many small pieces and not fixable in the usual way. I used an alternative technique with a big bone graft and a bridging plate. The plate was removed 4 months after the original operation to allow the wrist to move again.

wrist fracture wrist fracture

Young man with a fracture of the proximal pole of the scaphoid. MRI scan showed good vascularity of the proximal pole. Percutaneous fixation using a compression screws. Subsequent CT scan showed successful healing of the fracture.

Percutaneous fixation Percutaneous fixation

Male patient in his mid-twenties with undisplaced fracture through the waist of the scaphoid, treated in a cast for 8 weeks. 5 months later ongoing pain, CT scan confirms non-union of the fracture. Percutaneous fixation carried out and eventually successful healing of the fracture.

Percutaneous fixation Percutaneous fixation
Percutaneous fixation Percutaneous fixation

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© Mr. Jochen Fischer Consultant Orthopaedic & Upper Limb Surgeon Macclesfield UK